BZ-618-18A Epoxy Resin MSDS

Section 1    Identification of the mixture/substance and of the company/undertaking

  1.    Product identifier:


1.2    Relevant identified uses of the mixture or substance and uses advised against

        Relevant identified uses: mixing and dispensing on the wall tile paper Uses advised against no data.

1.3   Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet:

Section 2     Hazards identification

2.1   Classification of the mixture or substance

Hazard Class and Category:       Hazard statement: Not classified.                   –

2.2 Label elements

Product identification:   Trade name:   Polyurethane

Hazardous component(s):   –

  • GHS Pictogram:       Not required.
  • Signal word:          Not required.
  • Hazard statement: Not required
  • Supplemental hazard information:  –
  • Precautionary statements –  General: –
  • Precautionary statements –  Response: –
  • Precautionary statements – Storage:

The container should be placed in a cool place, the storage area should be well ventilated (temperature 5 ~ 30 ℃), and the container should be kept sealed.

Precautionary statements – Disposal:

Dispose of contents/containers in accordance with national regulations.

Other liabilities for labeling:

Tactile warning of danger: Not required.

Transport classification: see section 14.

Section 3     Composition/information on ingredients


BZ-618-18 A
NameChemical formulaCAS NO.Proportion
1. Alicyclic isocyanatesR-N=C=O75-13-890%
2. Polyol resinR-[O-CH2-CH]nOH29860-47-710%

Section 4   First aid measures

4.1 Description of first aid measures

1) After inhalation, the patient must be moved to a fresh air place immediately.

2) In case of respiratory arrest, artificial respiration should be given immediately by a trained person.

3) In case of eye contact, open the eyelids immediately and rinse with plenty of water for more than 15 minutes.

4) In case of skin contact, wash the affected part with water and soap.

5) If the patient is about to lose consciousness or has lost consciousness or spasm, do not feed anything by mouth. Do not induce vomiting. Give the patient 300 ml of water to dilute the contents in the stomach. If the patient vomits naturally, let the patient move forward to avoid inhaling vomitus.

6) Go to the hospital immediately.

Section 5   Fire-fighting measures

5.1  Fire extinguishing mediators: carbon dioxide, dry powder extinguisher, foam, water spray.

5.2 Firefighting Guide: Evacuate the staff to the windward place, wear complete protective equipment, and use a personal respirator. When the leakage is not on fire, spray mist to disperse the vapor and dilute it into a non-flammable mixture.

Section 6    Accidental release measures

6.1 Personnel precautions: restrict personnel to enter until the leakage is cleaned up; The trainees are responsible for cleaning up; Please wear proper personal protective equipment when cleaning spills.

6.2 Cleaning methods:

1) Provide appropriate protective equipment and ventilation equipment.

2) Remove the heat source and fire source.

3) Use sand, soil, or other inert materials to contain the leakage.

4) Avoid methanol flowing into sewers or other confined spaces.

5) Collect the leakage in the most convenient and safe way.

Section 7   Safe storage

The container should be placed in a cool place, the storage area should be well ventilated (temperature 5 ~ 30 ℃), and the container should be kept sealed. Do not store or eat, drink or tobacco in this area, so as to avoid pollution and keep away from heat, sparks, and flames.

Section 8  Exposure controls / personal protection

 Personal protective equipmenteye: chemical safety splash goggles, eye washing equipment
breathing:Organic vapor filter or poison filter respirator
glove:General rubber gloves, lined gloves
other:rubber working shoes
Ventilation systemkeep air ventilation
Precautions for operation and storageKeep the container closed  Store in a cool place away from heat and file storage and use areas should be non-smoking areas
Personal hygieneWear a protective mask, gloves, protective clothing, and safety shoes when working Take off the contaminated clothes as soon as possible after work and wash them before putting them on or discarding them. The laundry should be informed of the hazards of contaminated clothes. Smoking or eating is strictly prohibited in the workplace Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Maintain good housekeeping.

Section 9    Physical and chemical properties

Material state:【  】Paste【  】Powder【  】Solid【√】Liquid【  】GasPH value:      6.5
Appearance: colorless or yellowish liquid
Smell:    NA
Boiling point:    ℃             149.9Vapor pressure: 49   mmHg
Vapor density(air=1):           0.89Proportion(water=1): 1. 0~1.2
Evaporation rate (Butyl acetate=1):   0.01Solubility in water:   insoluble

Section 10   Stability and reactivity

10.1 Chemical stability: stable under normal temperature and storage conditions.

10.2 Substances to be avoided: None

Section 11   Toxicological information

Non-acute toxicity

Section 12  Ecological information

Non-serious pollution

Section 13  Disposal considerations

Incineration safety and sanitation burial shall be handled in accordance with the current laws and regulations.

Section 14   Transport information

Land transport:

Road/ Railway                  ADR/RID:                 Not classified.

14.1.  UN number:                   –

14.2.  UN proper shipping name:        –

14.3.  Transport hazard class(es):        –

14.4.  Packing group:                 –

14.5.  Environmental hazards:          –

14.6.  Special precautions for users:      –


Inland waterways/ Sea transport  ADN/IMDG:          Not apply to the product.

Air transport:  ICAO / IATA:                        Not applicable to the product.

Section 15   Regulatory information

Nonstate regulated materials

Section 16   Other information

The above information on composite material has been tried to be correct, but errors are still inevitable. All data and information are for reference only. Users should judge its usability according to their actual needs.

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